Cluck N' Cook

BY: Mr.r and Giose

⚠️Waring: The personal records scoreboard is not available in the web version.


If you are judging the game or are experiencing severe lag, please download the Windows/Max executables instead

Game Summary

CNC is a game that starts slowly but gets really crazy towards the end. Can you buy upgrades in the right order to reach the goal faster than ever?

Goal: Cook 128 eggs without burning them in as little time as possible

made for the PolyMars x ScoreSpace game jam (2024)

How To Play

After loading in, you can choose between playing Speedrun Mode or Unlimited Mode.

Speedrun Mode will end your game once you reach a score of 128, and then add your time to your leaderboard.

Unlimited Mode will let you play forever until you close the app or press the restart button.

When playing either, you can play the game and earn points the same

Your chicken pen will start with 1 chicken, which you'll see on the green grass patch.

After a few seconds, it will lay an egg. To cook it and turn it into points, simply left-click it.

It will cook in the pan, and once ready it will turn a different color. Make sure to click it as soon as this happens, or else you risk burning it, resulting in zero points

You cycle through this process, gaining and cooking more eggs.

After some time, your single chicken may become quite slow. You can hatch another one by right-clicking an egg. However, there is only a small chance it will result in a chicken. You can upgrade this chance with the upgrades menu on the right.


You can upgrade different things, each having a button on the right. You can find a description of them when you hover over them.


    SFX: custom


        Iced Village  -  Since 2 A. M. -  The Past


Chuck n Cook [ Win - 1.3.0 ] 61 MB

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